Monday, May 17, 2010

Back To School

So, I started form 6.

It's baffling..after months and months of yet to decide what I wanna do, worrying my head out, I ended up in the most conventional, straightforward, and uncomplicated study pathway.

At least, it's what I think. But there's still decisions to be made. Which I hate.

So what's there to tell about school? It's the first time I'm studying in a boy's school. (think immature kids running around). The first week was orientation week. It was okay I guess. There were lots of talks, announcements, getting-to-know sessions. On Friday, we had ice-breaking sessions and played some games which had moral values. And then that Saturday we had gotong-royong. Although I would so much rather sleep in on a Saturday, but the conscientious part of me prevailed and I went. To labour in my new school. I am a teacher's ideal student. Not.

So, anyway..I am still torn between a few other options. But I'll leave it at there. No point worrying.

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