Sunday, June 27, 2010

Examining My Future

"Sometimes I gt so caught up in the excitement, and then for an instance realize I might be leaving.

My future looks so uncertain now. I don't know what to expect, what to hope for, and what to do to avoid disappointment."

Excerpts from The Diary.

Everything's clear now. I got the answer I wanted, or maybe I was just waiting for the answer to drop down from heaven, literally. Because right till now I don't have a clue what I really want. So I am just going the direction I am pointed and turned to.

I am wondering. Still.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Life Like That

Ever done something that is so totally out of place? Something you only sees in movies but never ever dream of doing?

I did it.

I puked in a drain beside the road. Although at a closed alley, still some people was unfortunate enough to have to see it.

I was definitely sick that day.

This things should only happen once. Otherwise I might just get boycotted.Enough said.


Today deserves a chance. And I am trying to be positive. It's a brand new morning, almost eleven. But still considered morning. I haven't been as productive as I wanted..yea, wasted my holidays away.

But anyway, I bought a book. Started to read it. The lovely bones--by Alice Sebold. And it's really good. I know I am gonna love it. Next up, my allowance will go to my next target--The time traveler's wife. I going to start collecting books now. Then by the time I am 30 years of age, I'll have a impressive collection. Then maybe I'll start my own library..Ah, blissful dreams.

Sis came back on Sunday. Our family is complete now. And she's officially the tallest among us three sisters. I knew the day would come.

I am stalling. Waiting. Waking up and doing nothing. Positivity sucks.